[JUGFILM] Juggling Underground / Jean Marc

853 Views | Sun 17th September 2023 | Tue 12th September 2023

Video Title: Juggling Underground Jean Marc Lehmann Germany

Video presented as part of the video contest: Juggling Film Festival 2023

Contest Information: You will have between 60 and 90 seconds to captivate and move the audience.

The contest videos were screened on August 31, 2023, at the Dietritch cinema in Poitiers on a 12-meter screen as part of the national juggling convention organized by the Mamagabe association, which took place in Poitiers in 2023.

Information about Jean Marc Lehmann:

Jean-Marc was born in 1974 in Basel, Switzerland. After completing business school, he worked as an artist for over 20 years. His specialty was juggling with LaserDiscs. He performed engagements and tours in over 15 countries, including at the Tigerpalast in Frankfurt, Casino Monte-Carlo, and Circus Flic Flac.

In 2013, he moved to Cologne, completed his film studies in 2014 at the SAE Institute in Cologne, and founded the production company backcrossfilm. In addition to recording live shows, he produces commercials and image films.

Contact: info@backcrossfilm.de

Website: www.jugfilm.com

Position: 8/14

Score: 6 points out of 204 points



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